Flådestyring ioT Elektronik-Produkt Udvikling
Kundetilpasset Elektronik Produkt Udvikling - Automotive elektronik udvikling Customized 4G LTE cat M1 NTN ioT Fleet Management Product R&D &
& EMS volume Production
LTE ioT & GPS tracking
Vi løser alt inden for 4G LTE Flådestyring
Elektronik Produktudvikling:
Product Development of complete customized 4G & 5G LTE-M Telematics ioT Automotive Fleet Management Telematics Smart tracking solutions
& EMS volume Production..
- from the tracking unit inclusive the end-user interface in cloud - we are fluent in English, Deutsch, and Danish - Danish based R&D office
Elektronik Produkt Udvikling & Produktion af Kunde-tilpassede Telematics ioT 4G & 5G - LTE cat M1 nb-iot Flådestyrings system løsninger & EMS Produktion .... med gsm GNSS GPS .. www.iot-solutions.c22.dk
Read Latest Fleet Blog News - new products:
LoRa & LoRaWAN
Vi sikrer dit LoRa
Elektronik Produkt Udvikling:
Bluetooth - Wifi - LoRa - LoRaWAN - Sigfox - Zigbee
Customized Electronics Product Development & Production.
- All in one solution - :
- Prototyping - Hardware R&D - Software R&D - System Integration
- App Development
- Total System Back-end Cloud Integration solutions
more at
Elektronik Produktudvikling:
Customized Bluetooth 6.0 ioT Wireless Custom-made BLE Electronics Bluetooth Module product Developments - Skræddersyet Bluetooth ioT kundetilpasset Elektronikudvikling - Elektronikentwicklung - RFID Bluetooth Asset Management Tracking - Bluetooth Mesh - BlueGateways - Zigbee ...
More at www.c22.dk/info
Customized R&D Electronics & EMS masse Production...
Tryggere samfund
WedeCon Design tilbyder effektiv kunde-tilpasset elektronik prototype udvikling og ioT elektronik produkt udvikling samt prototype produktion og EMS masse volume Produktion..
bl.a til til virksomheder og iværksættere over hele landet.
Book et Kaffe-møde... Første møde Gratis ....
Se mere på www.c22.dk/info
.4G -5G LTE-Cat M1 iot data Tracking
WedeCon Design - www.c22.dk/info - are offering customized ioT Automotive 4G - 5G LTE-M with NTN ioT GNSS product R&D.
Satellite ioT for Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN) & volume EMS Production... Flådestyring - Fleet Management NTN Elektronik udvikling Elektronikudvikling
we would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your team for a coffee meeting in the new year